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Sexuality Myths and Facts

Myth: LGBTQ people are not normal.
Fact: Every person is different; every type of sexual orientation and gender identity is normal, and deserves respect.

Myth: Parents cause their children to become gay, lesbian, or bisexual.
Fact: People do not choose their sexual orientation. It is a natural part of who we are.

Myth: You can change your sexual orientation.
Fact: A person cannot change their sexual orientation. At the same time, a heterosexual person may choose to have sex with someone of the same gender; or a homosexual person may choose to have sex with someone of the opposite gender.

Myth: It is okay to use terms like “faggot” and “dyke”.
Fact: These terms are offensive and hurtful, even in a joke. No one deserves to be bullied.

Myth: Sexual orientation is contagious.
Fact: You are born with your sexual orientation. You cannot “catch” being straight, lesbian, gay, or bisexual.

Myth: Every person knows their gender identity and sexual orientation by a certain age.
Fact: Some people know their gender identity and sexual orientation at a very young age. Other people take longer to figure it out. There is no exact time when a person realizes who they are attracted to and what gender they see as theirs. Every person is different, and that is okay. Gay, lesbian, and transgender people may deny or hide their sexual orientation and gender identity from themselves and from others, because they hear and see negative attitudes among their family, friends, and community.